Hoffman Crackers Papers 30" x 48"
This pattern was designed by Bradley and Judy Niemeyer to teach you the techniques you will need to successfully complete the foundation paper piecing necessary to make both of the quilts on the cover. Hoffman Crackers was designed to take advantage of the 10″ square precut fabric packages offered by Hoffman California Fabrics. You will need 1 package to complete each of the quilts on the cover. The quilt in the lower left was made using the Red Hots collection and is laid out in the Follow the Leader design. The quilt in the upper right was completed using the Caramel collection and is laid out in the Scattered Geese design. The blocks finish a 6″ square. This pattern provides all the papers necessary to complete the 40 blocks required to make the cover quilts, which are laid out in a 5 block by 8 block arrangement.