Artful Fiber Messenger Bag 20174 *
Filled with just the right amounts of interfacings, batting, roving, and more...this is one bag you want to grab! Nowhere else will you find the perfect selection of innovative surfaces and dreamy fibers all in one place. It's a great value, too-all these materials are packaged inside a sturdy cotton canvas messenger bag that just begs to be altered or upcycled in your own signature style.
• Add something new to any of your fiber art, quilting, mixed media, craft, or sewing projects
• Includes Lutradur®, mul•tex™, fast2fuse®, Timtex®, Shape-Flex®, a Ready-to-Go!® Blank Canvas Book, plus a whole lot more!
• Everything you've always wanted to try in one handy package-even silk roving and bamboo batting
• Booklet with how-to instructions and a gallery of inspiration is included