Prismatic Star Pattern 68" x 68"
The Prismatic Star was originally published in 2014 to show how an exploded star could be paper pieced using the (48) 2-1/2” strip packages that has created for use with a number of its strip pieced quilt designs (the Cover Quilt is shown in 2-1/2” Strips by Timeless Treasures). Strips are sewn onto foundation paper to complete what we call a ‘Strip Set’. After the strip sets are completed, they are cut apart, rearranged and resewn into a diamond star point. The process originated by combining two previous published techniques used in several of the Lone Star and Bali Fever quilt designs by The foundation papers, layouts, and strip piecing processes were designed by Brad and Judy Niemeyer for foundation paper piecing.
The pattern was updated in 2018, making the diamond block slightly larger and creating templates for the sashing strips that reduce the number of stacked seams during assembly. While the original design has been a great pattern for Quiltworx, these improvements to the pattern will make assembly easier and have enabled us to create a Queen Size Option (see the Prismatic Star Queen Pattern). At the same time, we have created a series of diamond blocks that are identically sized to the Prismatic Star block and interchangeable. This allows you to customize a quilt project in either a wall layout or a queen layout to create something unique. Patterns that are related to the Prismatic Star in this way include, Kaleidoscope, Succulent Jade, Blue Lagoon, Rainbow Crystal, Amethyst, Prismatic Star, Ice Castles, and Diamonds in Bloom.
This pattern is Quiltster Compatible!