Club - 3rd Saturday 2025

$60 annual membership
Pattern Not included in annual membership.
12 Month Demonstration Series January - December
Membership includes: Demonstration of block on 3rd Saturday of each month at 10 am.
10% discount on regular priced items purchased on 3rd Saturday.
EXCEPT Missouri Star books, sewing machines, sergers, cabinets, classes, clearance items, consignments and gift cards.
Door Prize Drawings. Bring your finished block and get a drawing ticket. Make a block to donate for a VA quilt and get an extra drawing ticket! Your VA donation block can be any 12 1/2” unfinished block. Must be present for door prize drawings.
You can pick your own fabric! Take advantage of 10% discount on your fabric, books, patterns & notions for blocks and any other projects on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Club - 3rd Saturday 2025
Annual membership. Does not include supplies or pattern costs.